Master Your View


Master Your View (Guided Participation)


This option offers more guidance and a educational aspect to this opportunity.This is limited to 8 photographers. This option includes one 60 min. 1:1 mentor session where we'll go over your portfolio and create an individualized plan to help you find your direction and purpose and strengthen your skills. We'll also have 3 group workshops. These workshops are going to be packed full of rich information. If you are looking to elevate your photography this is for you. 


6pm November 21st - Creative Intent and Getting Technical


We'll discuss shooting with purpose aiming for quality over quantity. This is essential if you are a shooter who gets home with hundreds of photos and lots of the same thing. We'll cover techniques to get the most out of your location, how to find inspiration, and how to capture a variety. We'll cover pre-visualizing your shot and we'll also touch on the important technical aspects to help you capture the shot. 


Sunset Shoot on November 25th - final time and location TBD


Let's get together and put some of your new skills into practice. We'll shoot at one location but with intent for quality and variety. 


6pm December 12th - Culling & Editing


In this session we'll discuss how to choose photos to edit and which to keep and which to scrap. We're our own worst critic and we'll work on getting past that and what key elements to look for that make a strong photo. After this session you'll be able to confidently choose your best image. We'll also discuss choosing photos for showing and printing and how best to curate them. There are a lot of factors that come into play and you'll never look at your photos the same way after this session.


6pm January 16th -  Curating & Planning


We'll discuss choosing photos for showing and printing and how best to curate them. There are a lot of factors that come into play and you'll never look at your photos the same way after this session. We'll do a few activities to encourage us to look at images in a new way. At 7:30pm we'll switch gears and move into the planning portion where we'll go over the process of ordering your view master


The cost for this workshop series is $295. You purchase your own viewfinder ($45) and the split on sales is 25% gallery and 75% artist.


Interested in being a Master your View Participant visit to book your spot. 

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